
Returns are possible. For a full refund, it is important that the goods are in their original condition and, if reasonably possible, are returned in their original packaging. Orders can only be returned within 14 days. When this term has been exceeded, your request can no longer be processed and the package will be returned at your expense to the address you provided. Personalized (printed) products, both own names and player names, cannot be returned. The return of the product in question is for your own account and must therefore always be sufficiently stamped. You are free to choose a way to return the product.

Always include the return packing slip with the reason for the return. You can indicate the reason for the return on the packing slip. If you are no longer in possession of the original packing slip, please add a note to the return shipment containing your details and the order number, so that we know which order it concerns and the reason for the return shipment.

When an order concerns several products, it is also possible to return part of the complete order. The above information also applies to a return shipment of part of the complete order.

Returns can be made to the address below:

Zuster van Donkstraat 13
4341 LS

The Netherlands

We will refund the refund as soon as possible and at the latest within 14 days to the same account with which you previously paid. You will receive from us the full amount of the returned item, with the exception of the shipping costs. You will receive an e-mail confirming that we have received the order in good order and have instructed our bank to refund the amount to your account.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to exchange via customer service. If you want a new product or a different size, you must place an order on the website again. This means you receive the new product faster.

You can always contact our customer service for additional questions. You can send an email to the following email address and we will answer your question as soon as possible: .